Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bloglines love

Have to give a quick plug to a web app that has proven to be one of my favorite, and one of the most productivity enhancing (oof – can you smell the corporate on me?) tools I use. The app is called Bloglines, and is a new feed reader, which means it allows you to subscribe to sites, and it will collect any new data from those sites for you. This means you can subscribe to all of your favorite blogs and only have to go to one page to read them all. I’ve tried a couple of news readers in the past and have been less than impressed. Bloglines was suggested as an option by Andrew and as soon as I started using it I knew it was a keeper. I think it’s the layout that won me over – very simple – the sites you subscribe to are displayed in a tree on the left side of the page. When new stories are posted to the sites they are bolded in the tree and the number of new posts is displayed. To see the stories click on the site in the tree, and the new posts for that site are displayed on the right side of the page. Simple, easy, definitely a winner. Thanks Andrew.